From the General Secretary's desk, 18 August 2023 | Open PDF
Earlier this week I wrote to QTU members about the workload research project we have been supporting, and that many of our elected branch delegates have already put their hand up to participate. The biggest phase of the research is about to commence, and we welcome your participation in the project.
Thank you if you have already downloaded the app.
If you have not downloaded the app yet, this email will be the last reminder as we respect your right-to-disconnect and I know that you have already received reminder text messages.
I encourage members to participate in this research study. Most recently, Professor Greg Thompson spoke to our Principal Union Reps. One of the applications of data collected in the next phase of the research will be to support the QTU’s advocacy in the Department of Education’s review of state school resourcing.
If you haven’t downloaded the app yet, click the links below to download on the App Store (for Apple) or get it on Google Play (for Android).
Our area council delegates trialled the app in an earlier phase of the research and feedback was that that participation was easy. To participate in the next phase:
- download the digital app (takes about 1 minute),
- provide some general non-identifying details about yourself and your school – this has approval from the Department of Education as well as QUT research ethics (takes about 1 minute), and
- respond to some prompts over the data collection period, at a time of your convenience (takes about 5 mins per day, for three days a week, over a two week period).
You can download the app here:
For more information, troubleshooting, or if you are having difficulty downloading the app, go to
Trouble shooting links: if you are having trouble accessing any of the links directly from this update, copy and paste the link into a web browser, or try accessing the link on a personal device. |
Kate Ruttiman
General Secretary
Authorised by Kate Ruttiman, General Secretary, Queensland Teachers' Union
21 Graham Street, Milton, QLD, Australia, 4064