From the General Secretary's desk, 31 August 2023 | Open PDF | Open Website
In Week 6 of this term, I wrote to you about the QTU sponsored Time-Use, Time Poverty, and Teacher Workload research project, which many of our elected branch delegates have already put their hand up to participate in. The data collected will help to support the QTU’s work on the Department of Education’s review of state school resourcing.
Thank you to our members who have already downloaded the time tracker app. Our research partners have now advised us that they are ready for all remaining members of the QTU to join the workload project.
If you haven’t had the opportunity to download the time tracker app yet, simply click the links below and follow the prompts:
- for Apple - download from the App Store -
- for Android - get it on Google Play. -
Once you’ve downloaded the app onto your Apple or Android device, you’ll be asked to:
- give consent to the collection of your data through the app (takes about 1 minute),
- provide some general details – please remember to use your EQ email address when setting the app up - this has approval from the Department of Education as well as QUT research ethics (takes about 1 minute),
- complete a time-use diary for a 30-minute block of time and respond to some prompt questions at the start and end of the day – this will be across three days over a two-week period, so is much simpler than the old surveys or work diaries (takes about 5 minutes).
The research team has recorded some short videos providing project information and help with downloading the app. You can find these on the QTU Education Researchers ( webpage, under the Time-Use, Time Poverty and Teachers’ Work ( tab.
You can download the app here:
Many QTU members have met our research partners at one of our Union events. Most recently, Professor Greg Thompson spoke to our Principal Union Reps. The QTU is affiliated with the Australian Education Union, and Greg and the team recently wrote about teacher work and time poverty, in the AEU’s Australian Educator (
Kate Ruttiman
General Secretary
Authorised by Kate Ruttiman, General Secretary, Queensland Teachers' Union
21 Graham Street, Milton, QLD, Australia, 4064