Workload: new and existing clauses in the new agreement
Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 124 No 7, 27 September 2019, page no. 14
2.1 Class sizes (continued over from 2016 agreement)
Classes in excess of the maximum target should only occur in exceptional circumstances. Where there is the possibility of class sizes in excess of these targets, it shall be the subject of a timely, collaborative and consultative process in accordance with the consultative principles in the agreement, including through the LCC in schools required to have one.
Members should not have oversized classes without prior consultation. During this consultation phase, members can negotiate additional resources to accommodate this workload impost.
2.3 Use of non-contact time (continued from 2016 agreement)
The award entitlement to non-contact time may be used for the preparation, planning and correction of class activities. Crucially, teachers make decisions regarding what tasks they will complete during this period. Non-contact time should be allocated in blocks of no less than one-half hour, with the objective of providing blocks of time of one hour. Where non-contact time cannot be accessed due to planned school activities, timely consultation will occur for the replacement of such time.
Teachers are in control of what activities they undertake during their minimum non-contact time. There should be a clear process by which teachers who miss out on their minimum non-contact time due to planned school activities can have this time replaced.
2.10 Extension of spread of school hours (upon certification greater than 8 hours per day, January 2020, however consultation should be occurring in semester 2, 2019)
For student-free days only, rostered duty time can exceed eight hours following consultation with the LCC. The clause also changes the mandated student-free day from term four to term three and identifies 25 hours of mandatory professional development per year – 15 hours of which must be worked on gazetted student-free days. The remaining 10 hours may also be worked on these days or at alternative times determined through consultation at the LCC. One day's extra TRS will be available for senior secondary teachers (FTE) from term three 2020 (2020 school year only) for the new SATE.
Twilight sessions after school extend teachers’ rostered duty time. Given that a teacher already undertakes five hours rostered duty time on any given day, twilight sessions should not exceed three hours. Decisions around how teachers make up the mandatory professional development hours are a matter for consultation through the LCC.
2.17 Workload management (from certification of agreement – if considering reforms for 2020, should be in use now)
As far as practicable, the work of an individual teacher should not be unreasonable or excessive. This provides a framework for workload management, including factors that should be considered when effecting change or allocating duties to teachers, including:
face-to-face teaching
work directly related to the teaching and learning program of teachers’ classes
other duties related to the operation and organisation of the school
other factors, including class size, curriculum mix, range of ability and age of students, demands and their behaviours, resources and facilities.
Principles of good workload management should be considered with regard to workplace reforms or other matters that might change how teachers perform duties. LCC members and other reps should become familiar with this clause to enable discussion and effective consultation at the local level.
2.19 Health and safety (These should be in place now, but use of CARAs and this clause for practical subjects can occur from commencement of the agreement)
This clause commits the department to taking all reasonable steps to identify and address risks associated with workplace health and safety and wellbeing of staff, and raises safe workspaces for practical subjects: “Each workplace will take all reasonable steps to identify, prevent, manage and respond to workplace health, safety and wellbeing matters, including the consideration of infrastructure capacity to provide a safe and healthy learning environment for curriculum delivery, particularly for practical subjects. Curriculum activity risk assessments (CARAs) play a key role in informing health and safety considerations, including class sizes, for the delivery of these subjects.”
Become familiar with WHS issues. Ensure CARAs are in place for activities, particularly for practical subjects, and that class sizes for practical subjects mitigate any risks. Become informed about the procedures to mitigate and address occupational violence.
3.1 School based consultation (continued from 2016 agreement)
The agreement also clearly states that the LCC will be a key mechanism for managing workload issues at the workplace level and that the following matters require consultation with the LCC:
flexible student free days
school staffing proposals;
bus and playground duty staffing
meal break variations
extensions to the spread of school hours
areas as required by joint statements
the purpose, frequency and duration of staff meetings.
The LCC should look at proposals resulting in change within the school if they:
effect the working conditions/industrial entitlements of a group of members
vary how work is performed
impact on workload
change the staffing mix
convert FTE to TRS
vary the hours of the school day/week
extend the spread of school hours
deal with playground duty
deal with initiatives arising from funding additional to the school’s base resource allocation
establish how and when professional development will occur in lieu of attendance at flexible student free days.
cause class sizes to exceed maximum.