Growing our QTU community
Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 128 No 8, 2 November 2023, page no. 25
Growing our QTU community is something that we talk about a lot, but what does it actually mean and what can you do to help us grow?
When I reflect on the year 2023, I can’t help but feel optimistic about what we can achieve as a group of professionals. We have had an amazing year of growth so far in 2023, with more than 2,800 teachers and school leaders joining the QTU. What a great indicator of the importance educators in the state of Queensland place on their Union, and it’s clear to see why.
One of the amazing privileges of our roles as Union officials is seeing the invaluable work of our Union Representatives. Strong Union membership density ensures that teachers have a say in where our profession moves – both at individual school sites and as an entire workforce.
We have seen a number of site-specific campaigns for upgraded and new facilities, seen the creation of the rapid response team to address the teacher shortage in Central Queensland and other areas in the state, received the cost of living adjustment payment negotiated in EB10 as well as a 4 per cent pay rise, campaigned and won the reduction of Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) debts for teachers in very remote areas, and have seen locality allowance back paid to hundreds of members across the state. We have been busy bees!
The sound of 48,000 members rings loudly when negotiating and working with the government. Only the QTU has a voice on the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA), Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) and in EB negotiations. As a real union, we have the right to consult with the department, organise and campaign, enter school premises, and take industrial action. Every officer of the QTU has walked in your shoes, as we are all registered teachers and have a wide range of teaching and school leadership experience that we now use to work with, and win for, our members.
What can you do to grow our mighty Union?
Have a conversation. Highlight how the QTU works and the wins for members we achieve every day. Take the time to check out the new and improved Union Reps section of the QTU website ( There are plenty of resources and tools to support you to have a conversation.
Let’s celebrate our QTU success. Let’s continue to be QTU strong. Let’s tell our QTU truth. Let’s continue to grow.