Instead of judging one another, we need to adopt an open mind to ideas, acknowledge what hasn’t worked and celebrate what has, be creative and continue to develop ideas, and we need to listen.
In the last week of Term 2, the QTU and the department finalised a joint communiqué and an action plan, including a list of key focus areas for the remainder of 2021.
The Department of Education (DoE) has completed its review and updating of the P-12 Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework (P-12 CARF).
More than 1,800 new members have joined the QTU so far in 2021.
The QTU proudly hosted the inaugural Dr Evelyn Scott Memorial Lecture as prelude to the Biennial conference.
The 114th Queensland Teachers’ Union Conference took place at the end of June, with delegates considering the Conference theme: Rethink, Rebuild and Reimagine.
The 2021 QTU Biennial Conference, our 114th, was conducted on 28 and 29 June at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, with more than 220 delegates, along with many life members and special guests, joining together to celebrate.
New teachers recount their recollections of their first QTU Biennial Conference.
The pandemic, lockdowns, and an increased focus on staying home when you are unwell has heightened the need to understand your sick leave provisions.
At Pacific Pines High, the admin team and Union members have worked together to come up with practical solutions.
Media reports have identified education as one of the “winners” in this year’s State Budget. There is certainly enough in the Budget to justify this characterisation but, of course, there are always caveats.
During Term 2, the QTU sought input from members across the state regarding their experiences of sexual harassment and gendered violence in their workplaces.
In the lead up to the next federal election, QTU members can get involved in two critical national education campaigns: Every School, Every Child and Rebuild with TAFE.
TAFE branches are to be amalgamated and some workplaces reassigned to ensure member representation and inclusion in all decision making.
Following the first formal meeting of the CQU single bargaining unit (SBU) on 27 May, the parties to the agreement have continued to meet formally in pursuit of a replacement agreement.
Don’t be fooled by organisations that offer cheaper memberships!
Your rights at work can only be covered by a registered organisation.
The 2021 QTU participants in the Anna Stewart Memorial Project (ASMP) were Ali Coverdale and Kate Kermode, both special education teachers.
The QTU and the Independent Education Union - Queensland and Northern Territory Branch have been awarded the QCU NAIDOC Union Award.
Author Bruce Pascoe looks at the role educators must play in securing a future in which First Nations languages are strong, supported and used.
The annual New Educator Network (NEN) training was held in Brisbane on 14 and 15 May, and for the first time ever was a combination of online and face-to-face formats.
Whether you receive a required transfer that they do not want or a transfer to somewhere other than your requested geographic area or region, there are appeal processes.
Work health and safety (WHS) obligations in the workplace are being enforced in Queensland as never before, and this presents both opportunities and potential pitfalls for teachers and principals.
Non-contact time