QTU Executive is clear that we need to be involved in Voice. Treaty. Truth. and accept the invitation from the Uluru Statement of the Heart to help secure a Voice to Parliament.
A summary of proceedings at the last State Council meeting of 2022
The Queensland Teachers’ Union’s annual State Budget Submission has been sent to key stakeholders and politicians, including the Premier, the Education Minister, the Treasurer and relevant state opposition members.
For the past two years, the QTU’s Primary Music Teachers’ Special Interest Group has been campaigning hard in support of the Music for Every Child, Every Week campaign, which has been pushing for all students in state primary schools to receive the benefits of music education.
As we begin 2023, familiarisation and planning activities for the new version of the Australian Curriculum will no doubt have begun in many of your schools.
On 15 December 2022, the QTU appeared in the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission to support the application by the Department of Education to terminate the expired state school teachers’ certified agreement and support the certification of the proposed new agreement.
The certification of the new agreement at the end of last year means members can expect to see a range of new initiatives implemented in the coming months.
Part-time teachers should have their experience and dedication to the profession recognised and calculated as years of service, rather than an accumulation of days.
The Uluru Statement from the Heart is an invitation to walk and work together to create a better future. It also provides a clear and practical path forward for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander self-determination.
The leadership skills of education leaders are a key factor in school effectiveness, but how do we make sure that the right people are in the right role?
If we are serious about wanting “Equity and Excellence” for all children in Queensland’s state schools, we have to have a truly supportive and effective relocation system.
From the 31 October to 4 November 2022, the Council of Pacific Education’s Women’s Conference and Triennial Conference were an eye opening opportunity to yarn with women from teaching unions throughout the Pacific.
The Queensland Teachers' Union has been proudly running an annual art competition in Queensland state schools since 1990 - the QTU Peace and Equity Awards.
2023 will see TAFE EB11 negotiations get under way, with aim of replacing the current TAFE Queensland Educators Certified Agreement, which has a nominal expiry date of 30 June.
“Knowledge is power” is a phrase that you may hear regularly, but it’s one that has certainly made a difference in the teaching career of QTU Vice-President Leah Olsson.
Keep up to date with your basic working conditions with our pull out and keep poster.
Who does what in your Union.
The Queensland Teachers’ Education Centre (QTEC) is the QTU section responsible for coordinating Union and industrial training, with a special focus on supporting Workplace Union Reps, Principal Union Reps and other position holders.
The QTU is excited to announce its 2023 suite of face-to-face, live online, and on-demand professional development programs.
The QTU sent a delegation to the annual AEU New Educators Conference in Perth, which brings together union activists in their first five years of teaching from all over the country.
If you have started your teaching journey in 2023, welcome from the QTU! Congratulations on making it through the first few weeks, which can be a wee bit tumultuous. Here is some information and a few tips to help you get started.
Playground duty / non-contact time
Teachers are entitled to natural justice if the department seeks to suspend them without pay, but a recent decision by the QIRC highlights the QTU’s vital role in keeping the bureaucrats to account.
Retirement means ceasing paid work, but not retiring from life in general. This is a time when we can catch up with the world outside of education and the classroom. Time to travel; meet with friends; read all those books we kept putting aside; learn a new skill such as a language, bridge, or canasta; or volunteer to help those less fortunate than ourselves.