Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 125 No 6, 14 August 2020, page no.27
Should the school provide release time to enable teachers to undertake a meeting with their line manager regarding their annual performance review?
The annual performance review is mandatory for all employees, however there is no additional time provided to employees for the purpose of undertaking the duties associated with the review process (i.e. development of a performance development plan (PDP), initial conversations with their supervisor, and review of the PDP).
A teacher’s award entitlement to non-contact time is at their discretion, to use as they see fit, however as there is no additional funding provided centrally for APR activities, it may be necessary for a teacher to use it for this purpose. While the QTU does not condone meetings to discuss APRs being held during morning tea, lunch or after school, this may be one option available to teachers, however it is not the preferred option.
If a teacher has an over-allocation of non-contact time, admin may direct them to attend a meeting during this time.
Some schools, after consultation with staff, have agreed to hold APR conversations in lieu of a staff meeting for one hour per week, at the start of the year. Other schools have determined, through the LCC, that all teachers in a certain year level or subject area are taken off-line for a day to have their PDP conversations, and a supply teacher is brought in for the day. It is a school-based decision to take teachers off-line to have APR conversations.
I’m studying for my Master of Education degree; will this attract more salary upon completion?
No, completing your Masters will not attract additional remuneration.
I have applied for unpaid leave next year. Am I able to work for Catholic Education?
Extended special leave will not be granted to enable teachers to work in the non-government sector. Teachers in this situation may have to consider resignation, as extended special leave without salary will not generally be approved.
If you are granted extended special leave without salary, you may engage in paid employment outside the department, provided there is no conflict of interest with your teaching duties. Regional office will be able to advise on this matter – you may be required to complete a conflict of interest declaration form.
Once granted extended special leave without salary, you can be engaged by the department as a casual/daily relief teacher (supply) or temporary teacher (contract or relieve at level).