EB implementation: EST and senior teacher
Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 123 No 4, 5 June 2020, page no. 8
The QTU has been working hard to ensure that the processes for EST and ST secured in the 2019 certified agreement are made available as soon as possible.
While the past few months have been uncharted waters for all of us while our attention was focused on COVID-19, the QTU has continued to push the department to finalise the processes for these classifications. However, the discussions remain ongoing.
Experienced senior teacher (EST)
The department is hoping to make the new, simplified process for experienced senior teacher available this month. Once available, guidelines to support the process, information on eligibility requirements, how to apply and transitional arrangements will be published via OnePortal on the experienced senior teacher page. The QTU will continue to press the department to meet this timeline and will inform members when they are available.
In accordance with the Department of Education State School Teachers’ Certified Agreement 2019, the EST classification is available to any teacher with two or more years’ satisfactory service as a senior teacher or senior instrumental music teacher, or who has completed five or more years of satisfactory service as a senior instrumental music instructor.
Employees who are eligible for experienced senior teacher can apply from the date the department publishes the new processes on the OnePortal page. Employees who became eligible prior to the launch of the EST process for 2020 and who apply in the 2020 calendar year will have their EST classification backdated (dependent on a successful outcome) to their date of eligibility (but not before 1 July 2019). Additionally, applicants can apply at any time within the term during which they become eligible.
The application process for the EST classification has been simplified. The process no longer includes writing to selection criteria. Instead, as a direct result of QTU advocacy, applicants will need to have a current annual performance review (completed within the 12 months) and fill out the EST application and declaration form. It is anticipated that the forms and the supporting resources will be made available via OnePortal from the end of the month.
The EST application is assessed by the principal only. If the local panel (the principal) declines the application, then it will proceed to a statewide moderation panel at the end of each term, along with approximately five per cent of approved EST applications from that term. The panel will be made up of a school principal representing the department and a QTU representative.
The EST 2 classification will be available from 2022. This classification will be a second pay point from 1 January 2022, which will be accessible after three years’ satisfactory service at EST 1. To apply for EST 2, an experienced senior teacher will need to complete both the experienced senior teacher 2 application form and the experienced senior teacher 2 declaration form. The department has committed to making these forms available at the beginning of 2022.
A QTU Newsflash and an email from the department will be sent once the OnePortal page has been updated to include the new process.
Senior teacher
The QTU continues to meet with the department on a range of issues related to the senior teacher classification, with the view to making this process available now. While these discussions continue, members who were identified as eligible earlier this year are reminded that they can apply for the senior teacher classification using the existing process until the new process takes effect.
It is predicted that the new processes for senior teacher will commence from Term 3. Once further detail is confirmed by the department, the QTU will communicate this with members.
Members who wish to enquire as to their eligibility for senior teacher or EST or who have questions related to their application should contact the Teacher Classification Team, either on 1300 365 718 or via tct@qed.qld.gov.au