Education Leaders in the QTU

Workload management

Workload management in the new agreement

Note : The Department of Education State School Teachers' Certified Agreement 2019 ​​​ was certified in the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission on 19 Nov 2019

The department is committed to providing effective work practices that support wellbeing, work-life balance and a safe work environment. As far as practicable, the work of an individual teacher is not to be unreasonable or excessive.

The function of the Workload Advisory Council will be to ensure alignment with the Principles of good workload management contained in Schedule 6 (below); and to:

(a)       collect information about issues contributing to workload pressures

(b)       monitor emerging workload issues

(c)        inform workload reduction initiatives.

The QTU is currently developing material to support the implementation of the agreement that will include the use of these principles:

Schedule 6 - Principles of good workload management

Effective workload management requires:

  • Understanding that all employees and managers are accountable for effective workload management.
  • Discuss and review workload. Allocation of workloads that take into account the training, skill, knowledge, career and professional development of individual employees.
  • Recognise that changes occur in workplaces on a daily basis and that managers are responsible for managing workloads.
  • Success depends on a strong commitment by both employees and managers.
  • Equitable distribution of workloads and open and transparent decision making.
  • Support decisions that take into account the work-life balance of employees.
  • Provide flexibility and discretion in applying workload management to ensure delivery, work requirements and the effectiveness and efficiency of the Department are met.
  • Maintenance of safe work environments and safe work practices.
  • Allocation of resources to ensure both the maintenance of workloads at a reasonable level and the delivery of a high-quality service.
  • Issue escalation processes are in place. The LCC is a key mechanism for managing workload issues at the workplace level.

[information current at 11 Nov 2019]

School Leader Update (formerly Principal Update)

Recruitment & Selection timelines

Recruitment for Principal vacancies and classified vacancies in Independent Public Schools do not have specific timelines. Individual panels will determine their selection strategy and timelines.  Appointment announcements for these vacancies will occur throughout the year.

Please note these timelines are target dates. A panel may choose to finalise their process sooner and an earlier appointment release date may be possible.

The risk of legal action is something school leaders face on a daily basis. That’s why the Queensland Teachers’ Union gives such a high priority to giving its school leader members the best possible legal protection and assistance.

The Queensland Teachers’ Union established a legal assistance scheme many years ago in order to protect the legal and industrial rights of members.

Any legal action, whether it be prosecution or defence, is expensive. Without legal aid, you could face a severe financial setback from which you might never fully more

Classification structure

Note : The Department of Education State School Teachers' Certified Agreement 2019 ​​​ was certified in the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission on 19 Nov 2019 and  includes the new classified officers' structure.

Classification Restructure

In the 2016 Department of Education and Training State School Teachers’ Certified Agreement  the Department committed to "The Promotional Positions Classification Review "(PPCR).  The objective of the review was to provide DoE and the QTU with information to inform the enterprise bargaining negotiations that commenced early in 2019. This information was provided to the QTU in a report received in late December 2018. 

.... read the current position of this classification restructure in our September 2019  Information Brochure Classification restructure



Principals right to suspend

The QTU has a standing committee titled the Educational Leaders Committee which comprises fifteen principals and associate administrators (DPs, HODs, HOSES). The committee is chaired by Ms Jenny Swadling.
The Education Leaders Committee [ELC] undertakes the following tasks:

  • provides advice to the QTU Executive on a range of issues relevant to educational administrators and other members;
  • monitors departmental processes such as relocations and merit selection;
  • reviews and develops QTU policy relevant to educational administrators;
  • liaises with other QTU standing committees;
  • oversees the organisation of the annual QTU Education Leaders Conference.

Any members wishing to have ELC address a specific issue should outline the issue and send it to: (mark it Attention: Education Leaders Committee) 

Principal and Deputy Principals will receive School Leader Update (formerly Principal Update) at their preferred email address, however by following the steps below a member may elect to unsubscribe/subscribe.

  1. Logon using the myQTU button
  2. Select  "my newsletters"  from the left hand menu
  3. Use checkboxes to subscribe/unsubscribe from this title and/or other newsletters available for QTU members


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