QTU Members' newsflash No. 13-22, November 2022 | Open PDF
Agreement accepted – teachers and school leaders vote in favour!
The results are in! The department has confirmed that teachers and school leaders have voted overwhelmingly in favour of accepting the proposed EB10 replacement agreement.
The employer ballot closed just before midnight yesterday, and the count has now been finalised. Ninety-four per cent of teachers and school leaders have voted in favour of the new certified agreement. More than 30,000 teachers and school leaders participated in the employee ballot, the highest return in an employee EB ballot in recent years.
To read more about the salary increases and new inclusions in the EB10 agreement, head over to our dedicated webpage: https://www.qtu.asn.au/eb10
What happens now?
Now that the agreement has been accepted by employees in the employer ballot, the department will finalise an application to the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission (QIRC) for certification by 5 December. The department has identified the pay period ending 25 January 2023 as when the back pay will be payable, subject to QIRC certification.
Members employed by the department on the date the agreement is certified will be eligible for back pay. The department does not provide back pay for employees who retire or resign prior to the date of certification of the new agreement. This is standard practice across all government agencies. Similarly, if an employee retires before the agreement is certified, QSuper (a division of ART) will calculate their superannuation pay-out on the basis of their existing salary, not the new rate in the agreement. Again, this is consistent practice across the superannuation industry.
EOI – project officer 2023/2024
Expressions of interest (EOIs) are called from school leaders interested in working as a QTU project officer for a two-year period (January 2023 until the end of December 2024). They will work on the review of the school staffing allocative model, and other matters arising from the Teachers’ Certified Agreement, as required by the General Secretary.
Ideally, the preferred candidate would be a QTU member with a breadth of experience across multiple sectors, e.g. small schools, primary, special, secondary and/or P-10/12, with the capacity to work autonomously. The QTU has offices across the state, so regional applicants are encouraged to apply.
Some travel around the state will be involved, which will be funded by the QTU. The successful applicant will be expected to report back to the Senior Officers and the Executive of the QTU.
The salary of the project officer will be the subject of discussion and will take into consideration the applicant’s relevant experience and current level of remuneration.
If you are interested, please send an EOI (of no more than 500-800 words) to the General Secretary by 2 December.
Authorised by:
Kate Ruttiman
General Secretary
Authorised by Kate Ruttiman, General Secretary, Queensland Teachers' Union
21 Graham Street, Milton, QLD, Australia, 4064