Negotiations result in new set of MoAs
Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 127 No 6, 12 August 2022, page no. 15 [pdf version]
The QTU has been in negotiations with the department since January regarding replacement memorandums of agreement (MoAs) for Queensland Academies (QAs), outdoor and environmental education centres (OEECs), instrumental music teachers (IMs), the Remote Area Teacher Education Program (RATEP), and senior guidance officers (SGOs) and regional school sport officers (RSSOs).
These negotiations have now concluded, resulting in a continuation of the existing RATEP MoA, updated MoAs for QA, OEEC and IM cohorts, and a new MoA for RSSO and SGO members.
As a result of the new MoA for RSSOs and SGOs, members will benefit from some significant wins, including but not limited to:
- transitioning to the Teaching in State Education Award 2016
- provisions enabling this cohort to cash out accrued annual leave and TOIL
- the ability to continue to accrue TOIL where directed to perform work outside of the span of hours, including nights and weekends
- workload and fatigue management considerations
- a commitment to monitor the MoA through a consultative process for the first six months, to manage any implementation concerns.
Given that the QA, OEEC and IM members all had pre-existing MoAs, the changes have not been as significant as for our RSSO and SGO members.
Under the updated MoA for QAs, members will benefit from:
- streamlined recruitment and selection processes
- the maintenance and honouring of tenure (the department had proposed the removal of tenure altogether through the implementation of the new transfer process).
Under the updated MoA for OEECs, members will benefit from:
- an extension to the timeframes within which OEEC teachers must use their TOIL balances by an additional term
- a commitment from the department to investigate processes by which centres will be able to access additional staff as a consequence of growth within 12 months of the operation of this MoA
- changes around the Miscellaneous Teachers Allowance (MTA) clause, which provide clarity for OEECs and employees about eligibility for the allowance and who is responsible for the payment of the allowance (this seeks to address years of disputes between the QTU, on behalf of OEECs, and the DoE, which continued to claim that these costs should be passed on to visiting schools).
Under the updated MoA for IMs, members will benefit from:
- an additional rest pause for every three hours worked
- the ability to adjust start and finish times to ensure members are supported for the hours taught
- an explicit statement removing the possibility of split shifts
- support for IM instructors upgrading their qualifications
- the inclusion of a motor vehicle allowance.
All new and updated MoAs will be available on the QTU website and on OnePortal. The department and the QTU will be co-delivering information sessions for members, unpacking MoAs with significant changes.