The QTU is the only registered organisation in Queensland that can represent the industrial, legal and professional interests of teachers, heads of program and school leaders.

QTU State Council met in Brisbane on Saturday 4 March. Here's a summary of what was discussed.

In the suite of announcements arising from the Teachers’ Certified Agreement, the Department of Education agreed to conduct a Comprehensive Review of School Resourcing [CRoSR].

The joint QTU/DoE Certified Agreement Implementation Committee (CAIC) will meet quarterly to monitor the progress of implementation of all elements of the new agreement.

ChatGPT, a new artificial intelligence (AI) tool that can generate unique and individual responses to questions, has provoked much conversation in our professional community recently.

This year, Labour Day is Monday 1 May, with celebrations being planned at locations throughout the state across the long weekend.

Every year the QTU is challenged by members asking about workload, and every year the same myths about hours of work and what is to be done during that time emerge.

The official “Yes” campaign for the referendum to enshrine a First Nations Voice into the Constitution was launched in February, and union members are being invited to be part of their own campaign - “Unions for YES”.

The Uluru Statement from the Heart calls for Voice. Treaty. Truth. But what is a Treaty and why do we need one? Gandu Jarjum member and acting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Officer Emerson Zerafa-Payne explains.

Union business will mean different things to different people, but for QTU Vice-President Leah Olsson, it all comes back to the WHY!

The QTU continues to advocate for centrally funded support to be provided to schools to enable them to undertake familiarisation with and implementation of Version 9 of the Australian Curriculum (V9AC).

On Friday 3 March, 418 QTU workplace representatives from across the state attended the 2023 QTU Union Reps Conference, which this year was themed “Union Business”.

International Women’s Day took place on 8 March. Newly appointed QTU Women’s Officer, Gillian Armit, reflects on the QTU’s most recent gender equity achievements and the need for continued action.

One of the most popular training sessions run by QTU Organisers is our one day local consultative committee (LCC) and working conditions session.

The 2023 AEU Federal Conference was held in the historic ETU Ballroom at the Victorian Trades Hall from Friday 24 February until Sunday 26 February.

The 2023 teacher transfer process is now underway.

The QTU has actively engaged with both the state and federal governments on the future of the skills and training sector.

Formal processes for a replacement certified agreement, and our TAFE EB11 campaign, commenced in March with receipt of a notification to commence bargaining, pursuant of s169 of the Industrial Relations Act 2016 (Qld).

Hayden Ryan, QTU member and principal of Denison SS, recounts his experiences behind the wheel of a "clapped-out old Holden" during Variety Queensland's annual fundraising drive through the bush.

The worldwide teacher shortage, changes regarding work and life options, and changes to the ITE landscape, have seen Queensland schools welcoming three distinct groups of beginning teachers in 2023.

Schools are complex organisations with multiple and competing demands vying for available resources – including time to collaborate.

The Diversity in Education conference, held in conjunction with WorldPride events in Sydney, was hosted by the Australian Education Union (AEU) and the New South Wales Teachers Federation, with support from Education International.

In May last year, Monash University asked 5,497 Australian educators for their perceptions of teaching in 2022.

Non-contact time

One thing that most of us wished we had more time for was keeping a record of all the “funny” things that happen in the classroom.