It is no secret that a strong union is good for all workers, and in our case, good for all teachers and school leaders in Queensland’s state schools.

The QTU has produced a guide to help school leaders and Union Reps navigate the current teacher shortage crisis.

The QTU is seeking feedback on the memorandums of agreement (MOAs) from those members who work under them.

The Department of Education’s (DoE) Equity and Excellence vision, launched last year, states as an action in the system initiatives: “establish a virtual academy to enhance access across the state to teaching expertise.”

The state government must create a Regional Education Plan that delivers a package of attraction and retention incentives to address the critical teacher shortage crisis in remote, regional, and hard to staff communities.

Teachers and school leaders are required to continually stack tasks. This layering is exacerbated by disruptions that accumulate across a day and can lead to teachers feeling under constant pressure.

“Bridging the Gap”, a new report released by The McKell Institute, challenges previous reports and narratives of an education system in decline.

As we approach the end of the school year, many members remain uncertain about how to manage the final week − Week 40 or Week 41, depending on your school’s location.

The QTU’s First Nations Conference was held in Gurrumbilbarra (Townsville) on Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 September.

When the Queensland Parliament passed the Respect at Work and Other Matters Amendment Bill 2024 (Qld) on 10 September, it was a significant step forward for QTU members.

On Thursday 12 September, schools across Logan participated in an “Outside the Gate” activity, organised by the Queensland Teachers’ Union (QTU).

The Queensland Department of Education reviewed its curriculum activity risk assessment (CARA) guidelines in relation to swimming in 2023, in the context of incidents around Australia.

The annual Queensland Council of Unions’ Union Pride Awards were held in the September holidays.

The QTU was again the proud sponsor of the Bevan Brennan “Every Child Needs a Champion: Realising the potential for every Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student” category at the 2024 Showcase Awards.

Principal Anet Ridley explains how joint Showcase Awards winner Miallo State School addresses students’ complex and diverse learning and social-emotional needs.

The Education Leaders Committee (ELC) is made up of 15 school leaders, including principals and deputy principals from all sectors and school types.

National TAFE Day was an opportunity to recognise the extraordinary dedication and skills of TAFE teachers across the nation.

QTU member Troy Hall spent National TAFE Day lobbying politicians in Canberra

To celebrate 135 years of Union achievement, we are taking a look back on some snapshots of Union history.

In early October, a group of QTU Organisers and Deputy General Secretary Brendan Crotty attended the ACTU Healthy Work Conference – Accelerating Action in Sydney.

Summer vacation pay

New criminal offences have been introduced that prohibit sexual acts or relationships involving young people aged over 16 years and under 18 who are subject to the care, supervision or authority of a teacher or school leader.

Elder abuse is a significant concern that affects millions of elderly people around the world.