P-12 Framework released
Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 128 No 8, 2 November 2023, page no. 16
The new P-12 CARF, now called the P-12 Framework, has been released for use in 2025, including a ‘new’ reading approach.
The QTU welcomes the additional resources to support teachers and schools as we move to implementing the updated curriculum. The QTU looks forward to continuing to work with the department and schools regarding the individual support needed.
However, the QTU is concerned that the approach to reading cannot be based on “decodables and synthetics phones” only. The department’s view remains that as the framework is aligned to Australian Curriculum Version 9, it is appropriate to have this new focus. However, the QTU has been advised that communications to schools will acknowledge that this is just one key approach to the teaching of reading, and that other approaches can be used and schools will not not have to throw out their current readers. However, we remain concerned that only decodables will be pursued.
The framework also includes some edits and updates to align with the department's Equity and Excellence strategy, the Australian Curriculum version 9, and to provide further clarity in areas such as EAL/D and assessment, as well as some new inclusions or amendments:
- minimum requirements for water safety and swimming programs
- minimum requirements for the three levels of planning
- explicit teaching of reading and link to Reading Position Statement
- alignment with the department’s strategic initiative Digital innovation in teaching and learning
- reporting scales amended to an equivalent A-E scale for prep to Year 2 (Applying, Connecting, Working With, Exploring and Beginning) and A-E scale for Years 3 to 12.
- clearly articulated behaviour and effort scales
- emphasis on plain language.
The QTU is negotiating with the department on a new joint statement on planning and preparation to give schools clarity on how the planning section of the new P-12 Framework should be interpreted and rolled out.