Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 128 No 8, 2 November 2023, page no. 23
I plan to retire at the end of this year. Am I entitled to receive summer vacation pay? Do I need to attend the student free days?
If you are completing the teaching year, you should terminate employment as of the last day of the summer vacation, i.e. 17 January 2024, in order to ensure payment for the entire summer vacation. Attendance at the student free days in January is not necessary, as your summer vacation pay is calculated on the preceding year.
I am a classroom teacher but have been acting as head of department in Term 4. How is my summer vacation pay calculated?
Teachers who are performing higher duties immediately before the summer vacation (i.e. end of Term 4) will be paid a higher duties amount for the annual leave period (the first four weeks of the summer vacation period). The higher duties rate will also be payable for the three public holidays and the concessional day, in total a period of 24 days. Where there is a variance to FTE hours, pro rata rules will apply.
For teachers engaged at schools which have a seven-week summer vacation, the entitlement is 29 days (25 days annual leave + three public holidays + one concessional day).
I’m a contract teacher who started teaching mid Term 3 this year. Am I entitled to receive any summer vacation pay?
Three types of payment apply to temporary teachers. You would fall under the lump sum on termination payment. Lump sum on termination (LSOT) is the cash equivalent of accrued annual leave and annual leave loading based on a notional entitlement of 20 days per annum.
Number of school days paid x 20 (days) / Actual number of days in school year
LSOT is paid for each temporary engagement during the year to temporary teachers who do not meet the entitlement to pro-rata or lump sum summer payment.
Vacation periods paid during the school year are subtracted from the accrued annual leave calculated. Leave (sick, special, maternity, etc) without pay is not included in the total hours worked. Workers’ compensation (full or no pay) is included in the total hours worked. Public holidays are not included in the total hours worked.
An additional five hours per student free day is included in the total hours worked for part-time teachers not rostered to work on the student free day.
LSOT will be paid on 13 December (fortnight ending 17 December).
For any enquiries relating to your summer vacation pay entitlements, please contact your local payroll office, or call QTAD on 1300 11 7823.