New P-12 CARF reveals workload wins
Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 126 No 6, 3 September 2021, page no.14 [pdf version]
Following consultation with the QTU, the P-12 Curriculum and Reporting Framework (P-12 CARF) was released at the start of Term 3 for implementation in 2022.
A comparison between the new P-12 CARF and the current version reveals a stronger focus on workload reduction, including the end of imposed pedagogical frameworks to provide autonomy for schools to make decisions based on their context. The new P-12 CARF also strengthens expectations regarding reporting and moderation requirements. However, the most significant changes are around minimum curriculum requirements, particularly in primary schools.
What has changed?
The QTU was instrumental in ensuring that the voice of primary school teachers was heard during consultation, and as a result, primary schools will see a reduction in assessment and reporting requirements throughout the curriculum. Currently, teachers in prep-year 2 are required to assess and report on student progress in all seven learning areas every semester, which has a significant workload impact, particularly for prep teachers who are also teaching students the skills they need to be an active learner in a school setting.
The new P-12 CARF outlines the minimum curriculum requirements from 2022, meaning that schools can spend the remainder of 2021 updating their whole school planning documents (WSPD) to reflect the change, support a reduction in workload and meet the needs of students.
What does this look like?
Each school will adjust their WSPD on the basis of feedback gathered through consultation, with consideration of their school context. Essentially, the P-12 CARF identifies subjects on the basis of how often they have to be taught in each year level and band. English, maths and science have to be taught, assessed, and reported on every semester for every year from prep to year 10, while health, HASS, technology, arts (excluding music*) and languages have to be taught from once per year to once per band. Below is an overview of how this will look in primary schools:
P-2 will now assess and report on:
- three learning areas (English, maths and science) every semester
- two learning areas (health and HASS) once per year
- two learning areas (technology and the arts) once per band.
Languages are encouraged but not required.
3-4 will now assess and report on:
- five learning areas (English, maths and science) every semester
- two learning areas (technology and the arts*) once per band.
Languages are encouraged but not required.
5-6 will now assess and report on:
- five learning areas (English, maths and science) every semester
- two learning areas (technology and the arts*) once per band.
Languages are to be taught once per year.
How will his be implemented?
The P-12 CARF is expected to be implemented in 2022. Semester 2 2021 is an opportunity for schools to familiarise with the P-12 CARF and begin the consultation process prior to reviewing the WSPD. Schools will need to consider the context of their school, workload implications for specific year levels, and make decisions regarding when subjects are assessed and reported.
For example, following consultation, schools may decide that the arts subjects* should be taught gradually across the band, culminating in a final activity, or the decision could be made to compress the arts* in a specific year level due to a specific event in that year level.
Where to from here?
Consultation is key, and the sooner that schools engage in this process, the easier transition will be. Initial consultation should begin with teaching staff to identify when and where the assessment could ideally occur. The local consultative committee or consultative mechanism at the school should include this as an agenda item to ensure that consultation through to implementation occurs in a timely manner to reduce potential workload. Following the update of the WSPD, schools should be communicating with their P&C, as well as the wider school community, to ensure that these changes are not a surprise when report cards are released in Semester 1 2022.
Further information
The P-12 Curriculum and reporting framework:
The QTU Consultation guide:
If you have further questions, please contact the QTU.
Natalie Montague-Clarke
Research Officer – Professional Issues
*Music specialists may provide music using the subject specific achievement standard, while the other four subjects become the contexts provided using the learning area achievement standard.