CAIC update
Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 128, 25 August 2023, page no.6
The QTU met with the Department of Education on 20 July to review the progress of implementation of items in the Teachers’ Certified Agreement 2022.
The department provided the QTU with the final approved version of the terms of reference for the Certified Agreement Implementation Committee (CAIC).
As the new MOA template has been endorsed by the parties, the next step in the process is underway to transfer existing MOAs into the new template.
The department was advised that the payment of the $900 retention payment to stream 1 only of the 53 eligible schools is subject to further discussions between the General Secretary and a potential dispute. The department is committed to investigating this aspect of the payment further.
The department is currently working on a process to reimburse graduates for the cost of their teacher registration application. For the first agreement year, the payment will be back paid, with a more streamlined process to be adopted for future years. The department is working with the Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) to verify the amounts that have been paid by graduating teachers.
Eligible community teachers will soon be able to apply for the senior community teacher (SCT) classification ─ 17 community teachers will be eligible to apply for SCT, and if successful, will be earning $80,000 from 1 July.
The environmental scan of available resources has been completed and the department has been working with the relevant QTU Officers, Kevina O’Neill and Beck Humphreys, on a draft document relating to both fatigue management and digital technologies. The draft is scheduled to be shared with the QTU at a later date.
Similarly, an environmental scan of available cultural capability training and resources is being undertaken, and the QTU will be provided with a list of the relevant documents.
More work is being done to finalise the district relief teacher (DRT) working conditions guide, along with the attraction allowance. The QTU has granted an extension to the department to finalise this work.
The department confirmed that the payment of the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) was to be included in the pay fortnight ending 25 August.