TAFE: Certificate IV in TAE upgrade
Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 123 No 3, 13 April 2018, p22
Back in April 2016, an update to the training and assessment (TAE) training package included two additional core units for the Cert IV in Training in Assessment: “Design and develop assessment tools” and “Address adult language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills”.
Changes were made to the training and assessment credential requirements in the Standards for RTOs 2015 requiring that the change was enacted as an update for staff with older qualifications. The impact of these changes is that anyone who does not possess the mandated qualifications and the required updates (or a higher education qualification in adult education) will not be able to deliver or assess.
Following this, an extension of time was granted by state and federal ministers in 2016 to ensure that trainers and assessors not holding the TAE40116 qualification had time to undertake the relevant units. This extension runs out 1 April 2019.
TAFE Queensland acted to have educators complete the LLN unit prior to the end of 2017 and has put in place professional development opportunities to complete the assessment unit before the end of 2018. TAFE Queensland is proposing to performance manage individuals who have not completed by December 2018.
Educators in TAFE Queensland and CQU have an entitlement to a minimum 10 days' professional development per year and should access this entitlement to complete the upgrade, in consultation with management. The QTU maintains that no educator should be denied access to PD time to undertake this work. Where this takes an educator over 32 hours of programmed work in a week, TOIL is applicable.
David Terauds
TAFE Organiser