TAFE key issues and growth
Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 123 No 4, 1 June 2018, p26
TAFE has been under attack for many years now. In 2012-2015 it was the state LNP government, and more recently it’s been the current federal government. However, sometimes with adversity comes opportunity.
I am acting in the TAFE Organiser role until July, and then will be focusing on TAFE recruitment and campaigning in term three, when I will be initiating some dynamic growth opportunities in TAFE and Central Queensland University (CQU).
While in the Organiser role, I will be focusing on some key issues in both TAFE and CQU, including:
- member feedback and workplace issues
- compliance and enforcement of the awards and agreements
- addressing workload
- increasing information and communication to members
- National TAFE Day.
The initial phase planning for the recruitment and campaigning project has already commenced in consultation with Growth Organiser Lynn Cowie-McAlister, with staged roll out due during term three.
Some of our goals include:
- re-engaging our members in TAFE and CQU
- data analysis focusing on new teachers
- dedicated QTEC Union Rep training for TAFE and CQU
- up-skilling our Union Representatives, especially in recruitment conversations
- focused growth activities.
These activities are directly related; an increase in members strengthens our position in addressing the key issues, and addressing the key issues re-engages members and increases growth.
We at the QTU are looking forward to the challenge and have set the bar very high. The past has been difficult for teachers in both TAFE and CQU, however by committing to stand together in greater numbers, we will be able to bring the focus back on to letting teachers be teachers.