Who's who in the QTU
Executive members, Senior Officers, Organisers, Secretariat - click here
Address all correspondence to:
The General Secretary, Queensland Teachers’ Union | PO Box 1750, Milton Qld 4064 | qtu@qtu.asn.au
Media Enquiries
During office hours
Office hours : 0830 to 1730 Monday to Friday
Email media@qtu.asn.au (please include your name, media company represented, the reason for your interview request and any deadline) and your request will be actioned as soon as possible – this email address will only be monitored at the designated times.
Outside office hours
Before 0830 and after 1730 Monday to Friday or any time on Saturday and Sunday or public holidays
Please send a text message (please include your name, media company represented, the reason for your interview request and any deadline) to Media Advisor, Jesse Grayson, on 0428 873 850 and your request will be actioned as soon as possible.
Student journalists
Please email media@qtu.asn.au marked "Student media inquiry" and your request will be allocated to a media spokesperson during normal office hours.
Updated 19 December 2024