Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 128, 8 November 2023, page no.14
The QTU's Women Teachers and Girls' Education Committee (WTGEC) exists to carry out tasks relevant to women and girls in education, including providing advice to QTU Executive and making recommendations to QTU State Council, monitoring issues affecting women workers, and reviewing and developing policy, Here WTGEC members explain why the committee matters and the issues that mean the most to them.
Deb McPherson
Deb McPherson Through my QTU involvement, I have become enlightened to the fact that "I’m a feminist!" and have been for years. I hope that by openly identifying as a feminist I can assist others to understand that a feminist is anyone who believes in human rights, individual rights, and equality for all!
Deb McPherson
Deb McPherson Through my QTU involvement, I have become enlightened to the fact that "I’m a feminist!" and have been for years. I hope that by openly identifying as a feminist I can assist others to understand that a feminist is anyone who believes in human rights, individual rights, and equality for all!
Emily May
Emily Murphy I’m hugely passionate about representing our women members and wanted to not just learn more but be part of the incredible group of women who advocate the loudest for those members. Because no one understands the intricacies of being a woman better than women
Emily May
Emily Murphy I’m hugely passionate about representing our women members and wanted to not just learn more but be part of the incredible group of women who advocate the loudest for those members. Because no one understands the intricacies of being a woman better than women
Emily Potts
Emily Potts The commendable work of QTU and WTGEC in the area of gender-based violence and sexual harassment is truly important. I eagerly anticipate witnessing further progress and ongoing efforts in this critical area.
Emily Potts
Emily Potts The commendable work of QTU and WTGEC in the area of gender-based violence and sexual harassment is truly important. I eagerly anticipate witnessing further progress and ongoing efforts in this critical area.
Madonna Johanson
Madonna Johanson We have seen QTU policy become law and it is exciting to be part of shaping that policy, which benefits all working women and their families.
Madonna Johanson
Madonna Johanson We have seen QTU policy become law and it is exciting to be part of shaping that policy, which benefits all working women and their families.
Keri Pollock
Keri Pollock So much has been accomplished, but there is still so far to go. How could I not be part of the fight? For my daughter, for my son, for the girls and boys I teach, and for my colleagues – solidarity!
Keri Pollock
Keri Pollock So much has been accomplished, but there is still so far to go. How could I not be part of the fight? For my daughter, for my son, for the girls and boys I teach, and for my colleagues – solidarity!
Lisa Broadhurst
Lisa Broadhurst I am bloody proud to work in a profession that is largely composed of women and I want to celebrate it. I personally felt like my career was placed on pause while I raised my children and this feels so wrong. I’m not sure what the answer is, but I want to be part of the solution.
Lisa Broadhurst
Lisa Broadhurst I am bloody proud to work in a profession that is largely composed of women and I want to celebrate it. I personally felt like my career was placed on pause while I raised my children and this feels so wrong. I’m not sure what the answer is, but I want to be part of the solution.
McLean, Georgia
Georgia McLean I became a member of the WTGEC to help build upon the empowering work of those who came before me. The job of promoting equity for women and girls is not done.
McLean, Georgia
Georgia McLean I became a member of the WTGEC to help build upon the empowering work of those who came before me. The job of promoting equity for women and girls is not done.
Maika Bailey
Maika Bailey The activism of the WTGEC has made a significant difference in my experience as a working woman by creating a supportive network, advocating for fair policies, and amplifying the voices of women.
Maika Bailey
Maika Bailey The activism of the WTGEC has made a significant difference in my experience as a working woman by creating a supportive network, advocating for fair policies, and amplifying the voices of women.
Bridget Walker
Bridget Walker I would love to see women in my region have an excellent working knowledge of their entitlements, whether in relation to the option to work part-time, having children, or the stages of menopause, to name but a few.
Bridget Walker
Bridget Walker I would love to see women in my region have an excellent working knowledge of their entitlements, whether in relation to the option to work part-time, having children, or the stages of menopause, to name but a few.
Paige Pope
Paige Pope I would like to support my colleagues and girls who will become teachers in the future, as I had inspiring women teachers growing up. I want my son to grow up in a society where he respects himself but also the women in his life, both present and future.
Paige Pope
Paige Pope I would like to support my colleagues and girls who will become teachers in the future, as I had inspiring women teachers growing up. I want my son to grow up in a society where he respects himself but also the women in his life, both present and future.
Nikki Roos
Nikki Roos I love this committee because it is all about helping women working in the profession to be all they can be. It really is the feel-good committee. I love the support and networking opportunities that have always been integral to WTGEC.
Nikki Roos
Nikki Roos I love this committee because it is all about helping women working in the profession to be all they can be. It really is the feel-good committee. I love the support and networking opportunities that have always been integral to WTGEC.
Ren Johnstone
Ren Johnstone I would like to see women have equal opportunities in our profession, as leaders and in other roles. We are a feminised workforce, and our leadership should be indicative of this. Furthering the conditions of all members also leads to better opportunities and outcomes for all of our students
Ren Johnstone
Ren Johnstone I would like to see women have equal opportunities in our profession, as leaders and in other roles. We are a feminised workforce, and our leadership should be indicative of this. Furthering the conditions of all members also leads to better opportunities and outcomes for all of our students
Lauren Quinn
My membership in WTGEC is a way for me to give back, pay it forward, and advocate for women’s issues, all while honouring the incredible women who came before me and paved the way for the progress we’ve achieved in education in Queensland, and across the country.
Lauren Quinn
My membership in WTGEC is a way for me to give back, pay it forward, and advocate for women’s issues, all while honouring the incredible women who came before me and paved the way for the progress we’ve achieved in education in Queensland, and across the country.