2024 theme: “Cultivating a Culture of Peace”
In 2024, our awards theme honours the spirit of the United Nations General Secretary’s message.
Entry Form
Entries: Our awards theme honours the spirit of the United Nations General Secretary’s message and we ask students to reflect this in their entries.
Who: Students in all Queensland State Schools are invited to submit artwork.
Size: Entries must be no larger than A4 (210mm x 297mm)
A template is available below.
Format: As a JPEG file (either digital or scanned). No hard copies please. All entries submitted should have the following information:
- student’s name
- school
- address
- year level
- category
Closing date: Friday, 18 October 2024
Entry submission
- Use the online entry form below to upload your entry
- Use the easy template (best for class projects with space for artwork and entry details) downloadable in word or PDF format and email to services@qtu.asn.au.
Winners will be notified by the end of November. For further information, contact Micheal Beale at the QTU by email services@qtu.asn.au or phone 07 3512 9000.
Entries should be submitted in the following categories:
- Prep to Year 1
- Years 2 - 3
- Years 4 - 6
- Years 7 - 9
- Years 10 - 12
- Special education junior (P- Year 4)
- Special education middle (Years 5-9)
- Special education senior (Years 10-12)
Templates and flyers
The winner of each category will receive a $100 gift card. The runner up will receive a $50 gift card.
Winners will be notified by the end of November.
For further information, contact Gillian Armit at the QTU by email services@qtu.asn.au or phone 07 3512 9000.