Gandu Jarjum update
Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 127 5, 8 July 2022, page no.1
Gandu Jarjum is a QTU standing committee which exists to provide a First Nations voice in the Union.
It coordinates QTU representation and advocacy on Department of Education committees and working groups on Indigenous education and oversees the development of QTU Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education policy. Gandu Jarjum is committed to promoting First Nations teacher networks and sends First Nations QTU members to participate in state, national and international conferences on Indigenous issues.
Gandu Jarjum meets face-to-face four times a year, with one of those being a regional meeting.
Townsville training day and meeting
This year, the Gandu Jarjum meeting and training day was held in Townsville. We welcomed new members Cassandra Ketchell and Preston Parter to the committee.
At the training day, the committee reviewed and provided feedback on the annual performance review process and collegial engagement. Members participated in a discussion about cultural intellectual property with Blair Beven, Head of Intellectual Property at Holding Redlich, and Darcel Russell, the AEU Federal First Nations Officer, presented on national issues, providing the committee with an update on the National Racism campaign. The committee received an update on the status of the new QTU RAP and began the process of developing a timeline of First Nations activism within the QTU.
Save the date - QTU First Nations Conference
The QTU is bringing back the First Nations conference in its two-day form! Save the dates: 19 and 20 September. The theme of this year’s conference is Land, Language, Culture – Carry the Flame, and some really exciting speakers have been booked already. More information to follow.
2022 Mabo Lecture
This year, the Gandu Jarjum meeting and training day coincided with the 30-year anniversary of the Mabo decision. Stan Grant, an award-winning journalist and author, presented the 2022 James Cook University Mabo Lecture, which some of the committee were fortunate to attend.
Branch and Area Council contacts
Positions are still open for First Nations Contacts on Branch and Area Councils. If you are interested in filling this role, or would just like more information about the position, please contact me, Rachel Bos, the QTU First Nations Officer.
Gandu Jarjum polo shirt
The Gandu Jarjum polo short is something that can be recognised by all Union members. It gives everyone in the Union who wears it the opportunity to stand in solidarity with First Nations peoples and on First Nations issues. The artist, Dr Mayrah Yarraga Dreise, a Gamilaraay and Yeeralaraaya woman, was, at the time of formulating the design, a principal, an active unionist and member of Gandu Jarjum. Gandu Jarjum members chose the animals on the shirts from Mayrah’s designs, to reflect Aboriginal peoples, Torres Strait Islander peoples and the Union.
Shirts are available for purchase at