Teacher shortage update
Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 127 No 6, 12 August 2022, page no. 10
The QTU continues to work with the department on processes to address the teacher shortage.
The department has commenced consultations regarding the mobility of teachers and school leaders, hosting discussions with school leaders in different parts of the state. The Union has encouraged school leaders to attend these forums and identify the constraints on attraction and retention.
QTU members continue to conduct local level campaigns to address the shortfall in teachers across the state. It continues to be the Union’s view that the shortage needs to be addressed with short, medium and long-term strategies
Short-term response
The Rapid Response Teams continue to be in place in different parts of Queensland. After being part of the RRT, some teachers are choosing to stay in the location. The Union is working with the department on providing these teachers with a guaranteed return after their service in these locations.
Medium-term responses
As part of the EB10 agreement, the department has committed to an improved RoRRs, including:
- an increase in beginning teacher payments as follows:
- TR6: $1,500
- TR7: $2,000
- introduction of beginning teacher payments for TR4 & TR5 locations: $1,000
- increasing the recognition of travel allowance to all dependents (>two years) to the same rate as teachers
- an additional flight for Dauan and Ugar (Stephen) Islands
- Mornington Island and Pormpuraaw – if an employee chooses the travel flight option instead of allowance, they are now entitled to three full flights
- the removal of the pro-rata calculation of recognition of location flight option for part-time employees (now paid in full)
- current RoRRs discretionary additional (TR4-TR7) leave included in the certified agreement
- staggered recognition of service payments (annual gross amounts) to be applied from years 1-8 for service in TR4-7 schools.
Additionally, the agreement commits to:
- reimbursing of the cost of the application for teacher registration with the Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) for graduates from Queensland and other Australian jurisdictions commencing employment in Queensland, when bonded to the department for 12 months.
- an allowance of $2,000 (one lump sum payment) for teachers returning to Australia from overseas who are willing to work in regional, rural or remote Queensland.
- provision of two days of TRS to teachers supporting Turn to Teaching interns or those on a similar internship program.
Long-term response
The QTU met with the Director-General of Education and the Director of the QCT to discuss how to enhance supply of teachers and school leaders within Queensland.
The discussion centred around the high level of permission to teach positions currently within the system (more than 500), and methods by which more people could be encouraged to enter teaching.
The QCT also provided advice regarding the impact of the move to a two year post graduate qualification on the number of people choosing teaching as a pathway.
Meetings have also been held with universities to discuss the issues. QUT has also committed to working with the Union and department, with the first meeting of this working group to be convened on 12 August this year. QTU President Cresta Richardson will represent the Union on this working group.
The QTU is also meeting with the Minister for Education prior to the Ministerial Council meeting to discuss issues that impact on teachers and school leaders and to further explore ways to mitigate the teacher shortage.