Quality ECE matters – and ALL teachers should advocate for it
Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 129 No 4, 7 June 2024, page 25.
Many people, including some teachers, see early childhood education (ECE) as simple – they play all day, right? It’s all finger painting and home corner, isn’t it? Or, you might know that quality ECE is important, but not really have a clue how it all works. I was certainly in the latter category until I began working in the early childhood space two years ago. Here is some info I wish I had known earlier about how important all that glue and sand (always so much sand) really is.
Early Childhood Specific Interest Group
In mid-2023, the QTU re-established a specific interest group focused on early childhood (EC) education to consider a range of EC matters, review QTU policy with an EC lens, and develop a claim for input and consideration in the QTU’s enterprise bargaining claim development process. The members of the ECSIG come from various schools and early childhood development programs (ECDPs) across the state. Their experience and expertise is wide ranging.