Editorial: Your vote matters! Make sure your vote is counted – vote today!
Queensland Teachers' Journal, Vol 127 No number, day Month Year, page no.
Voting in the QTU election is open until 16 November.
All members should have received a ballot paper directly from the Electoral Commission of Queensland. If you have not received a ballot paper, please email: industrial@ecq.qld.gov.au
Include in the email your name, member number and your preferred postal address. The Commission will send you a ballot paper.
This election is an opportunity for members to determine who will lead the Union for the next three years. Members are encouraged to participate in this important part of our democratic structures.
Election challenge – dismissed
Members are aware that three candidates for election commenced legal proceedings against the QTU regarding the QTU election. They applied to the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission seeking access to all QTU members’ email addresses to use for campaigning purposes.
The QTU opposed those orders as they were without merit, were unnecessary and not in the public interest.
The Commission agreed with the QTU. The candidates’ applications have been dismissed.
In relation to the candidates’ arguments about the QTU’s Rules, the Commission rejected the candidates’ arguments saying they were not a sensible construction of the Rules. The Commission dismissed the candidates’ Rules complaints on the basis they were not necessary and were not in the public interest.
In relation to the candidates’ arguments about possible irregularity in the conduct of the election, the Commission found the candidates’ arguments were not competent. The Commission dismissed the applicants’ election inquiry complaints on the basis they too were not necessary and were not in the public interest.
The QTU will not release your email addresses in this election campaign.
QTU Policy on doorknocking
Members have expressed concerns about the practice of doorknocking. I have communicated those concerns to candidates and reminded candidates of the QTU Policy.
QTU Policy limits the way in which membership data from the QTU can be used. In August, QTU Council determined that membership data released by the QTU to election candidates should only be used for written communications and telecommunications, not for doorknocking.
QTU Policy only applies to membership data released by the QTU. Election candidates are also entitled to receive membership data directly from the Electoral Commission of Queensland. It is now up to the candidates to choose if they wish to use the Electoral Commission of Queensland data for the purpose of doorknocking, given the advice they have received regarding the concerns expressed by members.
Vote today!