No. 12-23, 20 October 2023 | Open PDF
Work Safe Month
The QTU continues to work with the Department of Education on a range of workload reduction initiatives.
Discussions are currently ongoing regarding the introduction of proposed cluster allocations of a Workplace Health and Safety (WH&S) and Wellbeing Officer. In October, the QTU will be promoting Work Safe Queensland's Workplace Health and Safety Month and providing more information and support on using a WHS lens when responding to behaviour.
Everyone has the right to come home safe and sound from work, both physically and psychosocially. More information can be found here:
Temporary teacher conversion to permanency
A further round of bulk conversions to permanency will occur this term, with a focus on employees who have been engaged by the department for one year of continuous service. It excludes teachers who commenced with the department and worked a full year on contract in 2023, because their 12 months service isn’t fulfilled by the end of Term 3. The number of expected offers of permanency will be approximately 1,300.
The new process requires principals to comment on whether their school can accommodate the eligible teachers currently working there, or if an alternative initial location should be found. Where temporary teachers indicate a willingness to relocate, Human Resources (HR) will discuss options in the outer regions.
Regional HR will then work with school leaders, including those without temps or with additional vacancies, to match teachers with schools. The department has indicated that “all efforts will be made” to offer teachers who do not wish to relocate at this time a school location that is within 50 minutes of home.
Impact on the transfer system
Data provided by the department at the end of Term 3 indicates that there are fewer transfer applications this year and that the transfer placement at the end of Term 3 was the same as last year. There were 235 required transfers confirmed in the SE corner as at 8 September. The department reports that “guaranteed transfer commitments for 2024 were met prior to the close of Term 3 and, therefore, are not at risk with the bulk conversion process.”
Digital learning update
The creation of a department-wide digital strategy was advocated for and won by the QTU. This single document will replace the multiple digital roadmaps that have previously existed. The digital strategy will be based on the actions within the Equity and Excellence pillar – Digital Innovation, and will bring together all the relevant actions the different branches of the department are undertaking in this space, including the following.
Artificial Intelligence (AI): The Australian Framework for Generative Artificial Intelligence in Schools has been developed with feedback from departments, parents, and unions in the state and non-state schooling sectors across the country. The QTU provided extensive feedback to the Australian Education Union and the department for consideration.
As part of this feedback, the department was provided with the QTU/Independent Education Union’s joint position paper “New and Emerging Digital Technologies in Education Queensland’s Decision-Making Framework”, which included a traffic light system for the ethical use of AI in the workplace.
The department has considered this document carefully, and is consulting with the QTU on an ongoing basis to gather information about which AI programs are already being used in schools. This will ensure policy development is reflective of current practice.
Queensland virtual academy (QVA): The implementation of a full-scale Queensland virtual academy in 2024 has been delayed. This is due to QTU advocacy via member feedback regarding the many industrial and professional implications of its proposed creation.
QVA-related pilots will continue into 2024, with the department undertaking additional consultation and feedback rounds with those involved to ensure that the creation of a QVA model recognises the digital capabilities, but also the limitations, of schools.
Once a proposed QVA model is created, the QTU will formalise its related position statement to ensure the creation of a virtual academy does not impinge on the industrial or professional rights of members.
Advisory Visiting Teachers (AVT) Metro disbandment
The QTU’s advocacy is continuing for affected AVT members. Since our last communications, the Union has become aware that other discrete groups of AVTs have also been impacted by the lack of consultation over the removal of “buy-in” services.
The QTU has commenced a dispute that has resulted in the department highlighting some of the work being undertaken with the Student Services Working Party in Metropolitan South and the Strategic Advisory Group in Metropolitan North. The department has committed to updating affected staff at a meeting scheduled for Tuesday next week.
The QTU has outlined its concerns with the process and called on the department to provide more scope for members to engage in the consultation process. The department continues to lag in some of these areas, despite being advised of members’ ongoing concerns.
QTU Executive has been briefed on the situation and has endorsed further escalation to a stage 3 dispute if necessary.
For Every Child – Fully Fund State Schools campaign
Register now to "Do Your Block” and spread the word about our campaign.
Right now, we have a once in a generation opportunity to ensure that the Albanese government delivers full funding for all state schools. But we need to grow support for our campaign so that the Prime Minister understands that public education matters to the Australian community.
On the weekend of 10-12 November, we will be out in the community delivering flyers to our neighbours. We need your help to “Do Your Block” for state schools, teachers, leaders, support staff and students.
By delivering flyers to letterboxes in your neighbourhood, we can spread the message to tens of thousands of people that fully funding state schools is the only way to ensure every child has every opportunity to succeed.
Fill in your details at before Tuesday 24 October. A few weeks later, the AEU will post you a batch of 200 flyers, along with instructions on what to do next. Over the weekend of 10-12 November, deliver the flyers to letterboxes in your local community.
Help get the word out in your neighbourhood! The more supporters we have, the closer we are to achieving our goal of full funding, for every child.
QTU Presidential Election Voting in the QTU Presidential elections is now open. The election is conducted by the Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ) as a postal ballot. If you were a financial member on 21 June, your ballot papers should have been sent to the postal address you provided to the QTU. If you are yet to receive your ballot, you can contact the ECQ on 1300 881 665 or email them at advising them of your name, address and membership number and request a ballot paper. The ballot closes at midday on Thursday 16 November. All members are encouraged to vote. Information about the candidates in the election can be found in the Special Presidential Election edition and Volumes 7 and 8 (yet to be published) of The Queensland Teachers’ Journal. |
Kate Ruttiman
General Secretary
Authorised by Kate Ruttiman, General Secretary, Queensland Teachers' Union
21 Graham Street, Milton, QLD, Australia, 4064