No. 14-23, 17 November 2023 | Open PDF
QTU Strategic Objectives and Priorities for 2024
The elected members of the QTU Executive met with senior officers and officer representatives last Friday to discuss and review the QTU’s Strategic Objectives 2024-2028 and the QTU priorities 2024. These will be finalised at the final Executive meeting of the year and shared with all members in the new year.
With external exams now complete, our senior students have completed their final academic obligations and have spent this week enjoying graduation ceremonies, award nights, formals and other end of schooling farewells. It is an exciting and emotional time for students, their parents and guardians, as well as for their teachers and school leaders.
Congratulations to the QTU members who have seen their students through the highs and lows of 13 years of state schooling. We wish our graduating year 12 students all the very best for the future and a safe and enjoyable week of schoolies activities.
State Budget Submission 2024/2025
Each year in the lead up to the State Budget, the QTU provides the state government with a comprehensive list of recommendations that would improve the public education system and enhance the work performed by teachers and education leaders across the state. This year’s QTU State Budget Submission provides recommendations to address the teacher shortage, reduce workload, invest in professional learning and curriculum support, and deliver better support to rural, remote and regional Queensland. In addition, we have highlighted ways to provide better funding for students with special needs, in addition to the support needed for education leaders and First Nations employees. The submission also points to investments needed for infrastructure, TAFE services and the key initiatives needed to support the health and safety of employees and students in Queensland’s schools and TAFE settings. The QTU State Budget Submission can be viewed here -
RAR school allocations for 2024
The QTU has contacted the Department of Education to express its concern about the delay in releasing the RAR allocation to some schools. This information was due to be released on 10 November, but the department has informed the QTU that it is performing a final quality assurance process to ensure the accuracy of the information. As soon as the information is available, it will be informing schools and updating the QTU. The department is very aware of the need for transparency in relation to these allocations.
QTU Presidential Election results
Voting in the QTU Presidential elections closed at midday yesterday, and the Electoral Commission of Queensland, the Returning Officer for this ballot, has advised it will start counting the votes today.
The result will be provided to members as soon as the ECQ has verified it and provided it to the QTU.
Kate Ruttiman
General Secretary
Authorised by Kate Ruttiman, General Secretary, Queensland Teachers' Union
21 Graham Street, Milton, QLD, Australia, 4064