QTU Members' newsflash No. 7-23, 15 September 2023 | Open PDF
End of Term 3 – Have your say on Workload and the QTU
As we come to the end of Term 3 and you prepare to leave for a well-deserved break, the QTU encourages you to exercise your right to disconnect to ensure that you have some down time from work to spend doing other things that you enjoy.
Teacher transfer process
Required transfers were released on Friday 8 September, while guaranteed transfers were to be advised by yesterday (14 September). The QTU has informed the Department of Education of the importance State Council places on maximising guaranteed transfers, especially those from rural, remote, and regional areas.
More information about the teacher transfer and appeal processes can be found at:
Transfer appeals: https://www.qtu.asn.au/transfer-appeals
QTU Member Survey - Have your say today!
The QTU’s member survey for Term 3 is now open. Please encourage members to take a moment to fill it in and have their say on the important issues affecting our Union. It only takes a few minutes, and they can go into the draw to win one of four $100 Wish vouchers.
Survey responses will be completely anonymous – once completed, members will be taken to a separate entry form for the prize draw.
This survey is one of several ways members can have their say. You can also help guide the direction of our Union though our democratic structures, including via branch meetings, State Council and Executive. Additionally, members can engage with our wide network of Reps and Organisers.
Your voice is important to us. Please take the survey here: https://www.qtu.asn.au/qtu-member-survey-2023
Workload – teachers, heads of program, school leaders
Something we often hear is “What’s being done about workload?” Well, in addition to QTU workload reduction campaigns and achievements in EBs, the Union and Queensland University of Technology have launched stage 3 of the “Time Use, Time Poverty and Teachers’ Work” research project.
This is a significant initiative analysing workload pressures and the ongoing intensification of teacher and leader work in school communities in Queensland.
This innovative research leans on current international themes evidencing the increasing “responsibilisation” of our profession and the related impact on teacher and leader attrition.
Your participation in the project helps underpin our advocacy on the critical issues that need to be addressed if we are to adequately resource our school system to reduce the impact of teacher and school leader workload intensification.
The more members are involved, the better the information that will be collected.
All it takes is a few minutes to download the app and then no more than 5-10 minutes a week for 3 weeks to have your say.
Download the app today on Apple or Android:
(for Apple - download from the App Store - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/teacher-time-use/id1592247478 or for Android - get it on Google Play - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=au.edu.qut.teacher_checkin)
Campaigning activities over the holidays
We also know that while holidays may be a time for you to disconnect, many members remain active over the break. Below is a list of community and other activities members may wish to participate in over the holidays.
Campaign for Yes
Time is running out. There are only a few weeks until we vote in the referendum for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament. Winning this referendum will be a powerful and unifying moment for our country. But we need your help to get there.
We encourage all members to get out and have conversations with others about the importance of voting YES for a Voice to Parliament.
Walk for YES
Members are invited to join the Walk for Yes from 10.30-2:00pm on Sunday 17 September. Meet at the Southbank Cultural Forecourt. Further details can be found here: https://www.yes23.com.au/brisbane_walk_for_yes
Join the AEU For Yes Webinar on Thursday 21 September
Join us for an online webinar on Thursday 21 September at 7pm to hear what QTU members can do to secure a resounding YES vote. (https://bit.ly/aeu-yes)
On Thursday night we will bring together union members from schools, TAFEs and early childhood education and care to discuss the vital role you play in making this happen.
Register now for the webinar and be part of a history-making change.
YES Campaign T-shirt Day of Action
Wear your Voice, Treaty, Truth Labour Day T-shirt or the Unions for YES T-shirt on Campaign T-shirt Day – Monday, 2 October.
Send photos to campaigns@qtu.asn.au to share on QTU social media.
Celebrating Pride
In the lead up to Brisbane Pride, the QCU will be holding its inaugural Pride Awards on Friday 22 September (12- 2pm), recognising the work of union activists in making a difference.
Additionally, a QTU contingent will be joining the Brisbane Pride March on Saturday 23 September. This year, the march follows a far less challenging and shorter route. We will be gathering at Queens Park at 9am for a 10am march off before going over the bridge and into Musgrave Park.
This is a great opportunity to wear your Unions for Yes shirts and accessorise away for all things rainbow and Pride.
Roselynne Anderson Scholarship
STOP PRESS! The QTU Special Education Committee has extended the deadline for the Roselynne Anderson Scholarship until Friday 20 October 2023. The QTU introduced the Roselynne Anderson QTU Scholarship in 2022 and three eligible QTU members will be awarded a scholarship up to the value of $1500 to assist with expenses associated with undertaking professional development or training or further tertiary education relevant to special education, school leadership or women in education. Details of the scholarship are https://www.qtu.asn.au/roselynne-anderson-scholarship.
Kate Ruttiman
General Secretary
Authorised by Kate Ruttiman, General Secretary, Queensland Teachers' Union
21 Graham Street, Milton, QLD, Australia, 4064