Union and Industrial Training
Benefits of QTU membership
Legal assistance
- Free Expert legal advice and assistance from specialists for cases arising from work (NB: You must be a financial member at the time of the incident)
- Discounted legal advice and assistance for other matters
Professional protection
- Support and representation at work to ensure you are fairly treated
- Experienced QTU Officers with the expertise you need
Information and advice
- Expert Advice and Support from Queensland Teachers’ Assist Desk (QTAD)
- The Queensland Teachers’ Journal
- Newsflashes on important developments
- Access to the QTU library
- When you join a union, you become part of a tight knit community of professionals, working together to make a difference for our schools and students
- We are a member-led organisation that value all members’ active involvement
Training and Personal Development
- Industrial training from QTEC
- Professional development through Quest
- Tailored workplace training delivered by QTU Officers at your workplace
- Free legal seminars provided by education law specialists - Holding Redlich
Professional representation
The QTU provides you with a professional voice,
representing you:
- On The Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority
- On The Queensland College of Teachers
- Nationally, via the Australian Education Union
- On the boards of TUH (health fund), Union Shopper and the Australian Retirement Trust (QSuper - superannuation).
Respect for the profession
We campaign to protect and enhance your rights at work, including:
- Working conditions and salary increases
- Managing workload
- Job security
- Professional autonomy
- Remote area incentives
- Safety at work
Contact us
Address all correspondence to:
The General Secretary, Queensland Teachers’ Union
PO Box 1750, Milton Qld 4064 | qtu@qtu.asn.au