Joining online
Where can I find my DoE or TAFE payroll/employee number?
Your payroll/employee number is a seven-digit number which can be found on your pay advice.
What do I do if I don’t have a DoE or TAFE payroll/employee number?
Providing your payroll/employee number is important as it used as your membership number. However, if you haven’t yet received your first pay advice, it is possible to join online without it.You will be issued a temporary member number and will be asked to contact us as soon as you receive a payroll number so that we can amend our records.
Where do I find my classification?
Your classification can be found on your pay advice.
What if my workplace is not listed?
Please contact the Union so that we can investigate and, if necessary, add your workplace to our list of workplaces.
I am a supply teacher, how can I enter my workplace?
As a supply teacher, you are not based in any particular school and your workplace will be changing regularly. For that reason, you do not have to provide one.
The QTU only records a workplace for permanent teacher members and temporary teacher members on a contract.
Payment and dues information
How much will I pay for my membership?
A permanent teacher pays 0.72 of one per cent (plus GST) of their annual salary.
A supply/temporary teacher pays a flat rate, based on the amount of days taught in the previous calendar year.
There is more information on this below.
Dues for the current year
For teachers in Queensland state schools, click here.
For teachers and tutors in TAFE, click here.
For community teachers and assistant teachers in Aboriginal and Islander Community Schools, click here.
How can I pay for my membership?
There are a number of payment options available to you when joining online.
- Direct debit
- BPay
- Credit card (via Post Bill Pay).
Permanent teacher members – calculation of union dues
For a permanent teacher, membership dues are calculated at 0.72 of one per cent (plus GST) of their annual salary for their classification as at 31 October the preceding year, and this will cover the membership period 1 January to 31 December.
For a member employed on a part-time basis, dues are calculated by multiplying the dues payable for your classification by your employment fraction.
The dues of a member who joins the QTU part-way through the year will have dues payable calculated on a quarterly basis if paying in full based on the date of admission to membership. A member paying by periodic instalment will pay the instalments for a member of his/her classification for the remainder of the year of admission.
Full details of how QTU dues are calculated can be found in the QTU Constitution and Rules.
Temporary/supply teacher members – calculation of union dues
Fora temporary/supply teacher, dues are a flat rate on a sliding scale determinedby the number of days taught in the state school system during the previousyear. The highest rate is 0.3 of one per cent (plus GST) of the classificationof a classroom teacher on the highest classification as at 31 October thepreceding year.
Dues cover the period 1 Januaryto 31 December.
The dues of amember who joins the QTU part-way through the year will have dues payablecalculated on a quarterly basis if paying in full based on the date ofadmission to membership. A member paying by periodic instalment will pay theinstalments for a member of his/her classification for the remainder of theyear of admission.
Full details of how QTU dues are calculated can be found in the QTU Constitution and Rules.
Direct debit payment options for permanent teachers
The QTU offers the following direct debit options from your nominated bank account:
- one annual instalment**
- ten monthly instalments from February to November each year
- fortnightly instalments from February to November each year
** eligible for 10% discount if paid in full before due date.
Log into and choose to pay your dues by direct debit. Complete and submit the direct debit authority form.
Once a member has authorised payment of their dues by direct debit, payment by this method is ongoing and the QTU will send a direct debit statement each November outlining dates and payment amounts for the following year.
A direct debit request customer authority remains in place until a member notifies the QTU in writing.
Direct debit payment options for contract/supply teachers
The QTU offers the following direct debit options from your nominated bank account:
- one annual instalment
- ten monthly instalments from February to November each year
- fortnightly instalments from February to November each year
Log into and choose to pay your dues by direct debit. Complete and submit the direct debit authority form.
Once a member has authorised payment of their dues by direct debit, payment by this method is ongoing and the QTU will send a direct debit statement each November outlining dates and payment amounts for the following year.
A direct debit request customer authority remains in place until a member notifies the QTU in writing.
Going on leave
Permanent teacher members - How are dues calculated for unpaid leave?
If a member takes unpaid leave for a continuous period of at least three months and no more than 12 months, dues for the member for that period will be waived and the member will remain financial. This allows them to vote and to retain a Union position. If a member does supply teaching while on unpaid leave, they should contact the Union to pay dues at the supply teacher rate so that they are fully covered.
Membership is deferred for the part of the leave period which is in excess of 12 months, with no dues payable until they return to teaching. The member has a choice of how to deal with the deferred period if they want to remain financial. They can:
- retain full membership rights by paying half of the lowest dues amount payable by a casual/temporary teacher (this does not cover the member for supply teaching while on leave)
- pay membership at supply/casual rates for full coverage if doing supply teaching while on leave.
Temporary/supply teacher members - How are dues calculated for unpaid leave?
If a member takes unpaid leave or is inactive for a continuous period of at least three months and no more than 12 months, dues for the member will be waived and the member will remain financial. This allows them to vote and to retain a Union position. If the member returns to teaching earlier, they should contact the Union to recommence payments so that they are fully covered.
Membership is deferred for the part of the leave period which is in excess of 12 months, with no dues payable for that period.
Permanent teacher members - How are dues calculated for paid leave?
If leave is taken on full pay, there is no reduction in dues.
However, if the leave is on half pay (e.g. maternity leave or long service leave), dues will be reduced in proportion to the reduction in your income, calculated on a monthly basis.
If the leave is on reduced rate (e.g. QSuper income protection, WorkCover), dues will be reduced to reflect half pay leave, calculated on a monthly basis.
Temporary/supply teacher members - How are dues calculated for paid leave?
If leave is taken on full pay, there is no reduction in dues.
However, if the leave is on half pay (e.g. maternity leave or long service leave), dues will be reduced in proportion to the reduction in your income, calculated on a monthly basis.
If the leave is on reduced rate (e.g. QSuper income protection, WorkCover), dues will be reduced to reflect half pay leave, calculated on a monthly basis.
Other questions
What is the Australian Education Union – Qld Branch AEU(Q)?
While education has historically been a state prerogative, issues that impact on state schools and TAFE institutes are increasingly being decided on a national level. That's why, unless they advise otherwise, all members of the QTU automatically become members of the Australian Education Union, the union representing the interests of state school and TAFE educators on the federal stage.
Identifying as Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander or Aboriginal and Torres Strait descent
We ask Aboriginal and Torres Strait members to identify as such to help us better serve their needs. The QTU is committed to developing services for its Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members, and providing a forum for debate of and advocacy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education and social issues.
Indigenous Australian education network
The QTU has an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Educators Network for members who would like to receive information on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education and current issues.
Identifying as LGBTIQ+
We ask that LGBTIQ+ members identify as such to help us better serve their needs. The QTU is committed to developing tailored made services and resources for LGBTIQ+ individuals and providing forums for debate and advocacy for LGBTIQ+ education and social issues.
LGBTIQ+ is an inclusive term referring to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer and the plus signifies the inclusion of various other identities that people may have within the community.
Gender identity and sexuality exist in complex spectrums that are subject to fluctuation and are uniquely individual for all people.
A note on acronym terminology use at the QTU:
- LGBTIQ+ will be used to discuss matters relating to general matters.
- LGBTQ+ will be used to refer to Union decisions, communications, and policies - pending consultation with the Intersex community.
Pride Action Network
The QTU has a Pride Action Network for members (including allies) who would like to receive information about LGBTIQ+ matters and days of significance.
Why should I provide my email address?
Events move quickly in education, and it is hugely important that you keep up to date with the latest news. Giving us your email address allows us to fill you in on the latest developments as soon as they happen.
Why should I provide my phone numbers?
A telephone number enables us to contact you quickly if we have a question about your membership.
Why should I provide my residential address?
The Industrial Relations Act 2016 requires the Union to maintain a register of residential addresses for all members.
How do I cancel my membership?
The rules for resigning from the QTU are referred to in Section 1.5 “Resignation of members" in the QTU Constitution and Rules (you will need your membership number and password to access this document).
Resignation from the QTU requires a written cancellation to the General Secretary, and any dues outstanding at the time of cancellation must be paid. An email is acceptable.
Non-payment of your Union dues does not automatically cancel membership.