Queensland Teachers' Journal - All Editions
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All Trades signals the need for change (again!)
The placement of All Trades Queensland (ATQ) into voluntary administration is yet another example of why the current training system needs an overhaul.
Campus pulled back from the brink
The commitment and solidarity of QTU members at the TAFE Queensland SkillsTech (TQST) Alexandra Hills Training Centre has helped rescue their campus from the brink of extinction.
CQU EB consultation underway
The QTU has commenced consultation with members of the TAFE Division employed in the Central Queensland University regarding the development of a log of claims for the forthcoming enterprise bargaining round.
Rebuild with TAFE to create a positive future for all
Governments across the country are being asked to make TAFE their first priority, as Australia looks to rebuild from the COVID-19 pandemic and tackle its skills crisis.
TAFE EB11: your questions answered
2023 will see TAFE EB11 negotiations get under way, with aim of replacing the current TAFE Queensland Educators Certified Agreement, which has a nominal expiry date of 30 June.
TAFE key issues and growth
The QTU is focusing on a number of key TAFE issues in the coming months.
TAFE members secure relief from workload
TAFE members secure relief from workload
TAFE views
TAFE Executive highlights the big issues
TAFE views
TAFE Executive highlights the big issues
TAFE: Annual progression changes secured
Continued QTU advocacy for gender employment equity means that all TAFE educators will annually progress to the next step of the salary schedule, regardless of their employment fraction.
TAFE: Certificate IV in TAE upgrade
Back in April 2016, an update to the training and assessment (TAE) training package included two additional core units for the Cert IV in Training in Assessment: “Design and develop assessment tools” and “Address adult language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills”.
TAFE: CQU certified agreement
On 9 March, the QTU received notification that the Central Queensland University Enterprise Agreement 2017 had been approved by the Fair Work Commission.
TAFE: the effect of public holidays on overtime thresholds
With the movement of the 2020 Brisbane Exhibition holiday from a Wednesday to a Friday, it is timely to remind members of the impact on overtime thresholds of the colloquially known “four-fifths rule”.
The future of public TAFE institutions
The Australian Education Union, in conjunction with the John Cain Foundation, has held a conference to initiate discussion and debate around the future of TAFE and the importance of developing new public policy in the sector.
Time to implement the TAFE agreement
On Friday 31 January, the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission certified the TAFE 2019 enterprise agreement. Much of it will require a concerted effort by members, Workplace Reps and Union Officers to not only roll out but also enforce.
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